Welcome to our adventure in Vietnam which began in Hanoi and ends a month later in Saigon. Toby had been here in 2003 and seen many of the places we will visit and was astounded at the changes that had taken place over the last 12 years. For Margaret it was all brand new and exotic. We hope the following pictures and movies help to share some of the moments we had in this must be on your BUCKET LIST country.
Welcome to our adventure in Vietnam which began in Hanoi and ends a month later in Saigon. Toby had been here in 2003 and seen many of the places we will visit and was astounded at the changes that had taken place over the last 12 years. For Margaret it was all brand new and exotic. We hope the following pictures and movies help to share some of the moments we had in this must be on your BUCKET LIST country.
5 The New Years TET festival will begin soon. These kumquat trees and peachblossom trees adorn most households in the same way we decorate our homes with Christmas trees. TET is a huge holiday here.
6 An assortment of tangerines, dragon fruit, and rambutans lead the way up a pathway of fresh fruit.
7 Our first meal on the streets of Hanoi. A pork pho, or, as we would call it, pork soup with trimmings.
8 Next day after breakfast we are ready to head out for day 2 in Hanoi. The hotel is spacious and centrally located, which is just perfect.
9 Today we are headed for the Hanoi Hilton where John McCain spent five and a half years after his capture. On the way we pass by many interesting shops and markets that we would not expect at home.
10 Again, the people of Vietnam are preparing for the upcoming TET festival. Red and gold are the color of the holiday for prosperity and wealth.
11 Small street cafes are everywhere and are a great place to get a fantastic cup of Vietnamese coffee.
13 About a mile or more from the hotel we finally reach the notorious Hoa Loa Prison, aka the Hanoi Hilton. This is an airial view of the prison before much of it was demolished for highrise apartments. The square area from the lower left to upper middle right and back to the second yellow building is what remains.
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